Saturday, January 8, 2011

A busy and stressful few days

This week was Dyl's three year check up. She weighed 28.9 lbs and was 38" tall. She had on a heavy sweater dress so the doctor said it could be off by about 1 to 1.5 lbs. Her weight was in the 30th percentile and height was in the 71st percentile. We talked about what would happen so she did a great job.

Now for the not so hot part. When the doctor checked her eyes he said he noticed her red reflex was slightly uneven. I blurted to Gigi (Dyl's grandma) that Dyl would have to wear a patch. She said I was overly dramatic. The doctor suggested I take her to a pediatric opthamologist for further testing in the next few months and that we come back in 3 months for a weight check. She got 2 shots and a pink sucker and we were on our way.

I got home and went on google to figure out what the red reflex was. The doctor didn't really explain what it was other than how her eyes respond to light. He mentioned that a lot of parents notice it when they take flash pictures, one eye looks more red than the other or looks white. I take tons of pictures of Dyl and have never noticed anything. He said it was slight and tried to downplay it. Google/the internet in general is both a gift and a curse. As soon as I started searching I saw that it could be nothing, a cataract, or cancer. That freaked me out so I started calling the opthamologists on the list he gave me.

Dyl has her appointment on Jan 17, I made it yesterday. They scared me even more by saying we have one appt at 7:00 on Wednesday, are you sure you want to wait until the following Monday (like it was 20 years from now). The Scottish Rite hospital where the office is is (I always feel weird typing is is) at least an hour from home. Doing that for a 7:00 appt going into Atlanta is not a good idea. So I stuck with Wednesday even though I'm going to be stressed until then.

Oh, I also took like 50 pictures of Dyl with the camera right in her face. I told one of my friends what I was doing and she asked if I noticed anything in her eyes. I told her I saw anger, lots of anger from having the camera that close to her face. Keep us in your prayers.


  1. wow, if D has a problem, i cannot IMAGINE what boo's eyes look like! :-( we have our 3-year next week so i'll be sure to ask her pedi about it. :-/ is it something that YOU can see when looking at her closely, or only something noticeable by a doctor? definitely keeping you guys in our prayers.

  2. I haven't ever noticed anything off. The doctor noted that in more severe cases the parents notice first because of pictures they take; that's why I snapped all those pics when I got home. I had to remove the red eye reduction since the point of that is to give the eyes time to adjust. I needed the red eye to show through though it wasn't really there much. He indicated that eyes either look red, white or don't change in pics. We rarely see red eye anyway. The problem comes when one reacts differently than the other one- like if one is red all over and the other is white, not red at all or looks normal.
    The test for her eyes should be conducted in a dim or dark room (my ped didn't do that) just like an eye exam. Hopefully that will account for the difference he saw. Will let you know once we get back next Monday.
