Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas is a bittersweet day for me. My grandmother passed away on December 29, 2006. The last day that I saw her alive was on Christmas day. The following year I had a brand new baby so there was cause for celebration tinged with sadness. I think every year that follows will feel the same way.

This morning Dyl woke up around 9. I told her that Santa had been to the house. She found a piece of Laffy Taffy next to my bed on the night stand. She held it up to the heavens and yelled, "Oh thank you Santa!" a few times. I told her that Santa wasn't responsible for the piece of taffy that she was clinging to but that he had left her something in the living room. There were no less than 25 boxes wrapped under the tree for her. She looked at them and told me that Santa had not come.

I made it a point to not put anything under the tree before last night so I was confused as to how she couldn't tell that he had come. After sitting her down and opening plenty of gifts she got the gist of Santa. She offered to write him a thank you note.

Even though I wasn't all gung-ho about it I called her father and his family to wish them a merry Christmas. I spoke to his mom, aunts, uncles, etc. When the phone was being delivered to him the signal conveniently faded. No call back. I sent him a text message letting him know that Dyl wanted to talk to him But I'd wait for him to call her. He said Ok. No phone call. Several hours later I sent him an additional text message letting him know I was about to put her to bed so he should call her soon. No phone call. This is yet another reminder of how he views his role in Dyl's life. I already know that the reason I bought her so many toys this year was to make up for the fact that it's just me. And all she wanted was Laffy taffy and a phone call.

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